Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sample Category Title

Neural tube defects (NTDs)

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are serious birth defects of the brain, spine, or spinal cord. They occur during the first month of pregnancy, often before a woman even knows she's pregnant. The neural tube is the embryonic structure that eventually develops into the baby's brain and spinal cord and the tissues that enclose them. When this tube does not close completely, it results in neural tube defects.

Comprehensive Guide to the Ballard Score: Estimating Newborn Gestational Age

The Ballard Score, also known as the Ballard Maturational Assessment, is a scoring system used to estimate the gestational age of a newborn baby, especially those born prematurely. The score combines physical and neuromuscular criteria to provide a comprehensive assessment of a newborn's maturity.

Trisomy types, causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention, FAQs

Trisomy is a genetic disorder characterized by the presence of an extra chromosome in the cells of the body. This condition can lead to various developmental and medical complications, depending on the specific chromosome involved and the severity of the trisomy.

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Sample post no 10 excerpt.