scapular winging
Skeletal System
Comprehensive Guide to Scapula Bone Anatomy: Structure, Function, and Clinical Significance
The scapula, commonly known as the shoulder blade, is a complex triangular flat bone that plays a crucial role in shoulder girdle function and upper limb mobility. It serves as an attachment point for numerous muscles and forms part of the shoulder joint, making it essential for proper arm movement and shoulder stability. Understanding scapular anatomy is fundamental for medical professionals dealing with shoulder pathologies, trauma, and rehabilitation.
Skeletal System
Right Scapula Anatomical Structure
The right scapula, commonly known as the shoulder blade, is a crucial triangular-shaped bone that plays a vital role in shoulder movement and upper limb function. This flat bone serves as an attachment point for multiple muscles and forms an essential part of the shoulder girdle, contributing significantly to the overall mobility and stability of the upper body.