vital organs
Cardiovascular System
Blood Flow Explained: Guide to Cardiovascular Function
The human circulatory system is a remarkable network that ensures the continuous flow of oxygen-rich and oxygen-depleted blood throughout our body. This intricate system, centered around the heart, plays a vital role in maintaining life by delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to every cell while removing waste products. The image illustrates the complex pathway of blood circulation, showing how blood moves between the heart, lungs, and various body parts.
System & Organs
Major Human Organs: Functions and Interactions Explained
The human body is an intricate network of vital organs working in harmony to maintain life and health. This comprehensive illustration showcases six major organs - the heart, lungs, liver, intestines, kidneys, and stomach - each playing crucial roles in maintaining bodily functions. These organs represent different body systems that work together to ensure survival, from circulation and respiration to digestion and waste management.